Hi! I am George 👋
I am 00 years 00 days 00 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds old

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My Background / About Me
I am currently a doctoral researcher at City University's Research Centre for Biomedical Engineering, with a research focus on neurocritical care. Before this, I obtained a master's degree in artificial intelligence from King's College London, and prior to that, I completed my undergraduate degree in Computer Science from Newcastle University.
Research summary: My research aim is the creation of a non-invasive intracranial pressure (ICP) measurement algorithm, utilising photoplethysmography (PPG) signals collected from the forehand. ICP monitoring is a “gold standard” monitoring modality for severe TBI patients. The current monitoring technique for ICP is through the insertion of a probe through the skull in a procedure under a general anaesthetic. Efficacious ICP monitoring and intervention at clinically defined thresholds may reduce mortality and secondary injury to the brain. Current ICP monitoring is an invasive, high risk and expensive procedure which requires a high level of expertise as well as only being accessible in a hospital setting. My hope is to produce the first effective, non-invasive ICP measurement algorithm helping reduce the cost and complexity of ICP monitoring, consequently reducing the barrier to entry to efficacious monitoring, screening and intervention for patients and healthcare systems, perhaps helping towards the realisation of a "roadside" to "bedside" product.
I am really excited about how AI and data can help transform healthcare. I am particularly interested in the shift away from exclusively in-hospital care through non/minimally invasive, continuous and ubiquitous physiological monitoring and patient care.

Away from my computer I enjoy cycling, BJJ and most things water related, but especially freediving and spearfishing.
My Work / My Projects
Systematic Review: Machine Learning Approaches to Intracranial Pressure Prediction in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury
A systematic review of the machine learning approaches to intracranial pressure prediction in patients with traumatic brain injury. Published in Applied Sciences.
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PPG Denoising Algorithm
The description and evaluation of a novel PPG denoising algorithm based upon the upper and lower envelopes of the signal.
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Healthy Volunteers Study
The investigation and evaluation of the association between pulsatile near infrared spectroscopic waveform features and induced changes in intracranial pressure in healthy volunteers.
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